Course level:All Levels
Course Duration: 30h


Brief Course Description                IELTS Preparation

 This program effectively prepares students for the IELTS examination. It includes the teaching of test practice strategies skills for all areas of the IELTS exam. It is comprehensive and academically rigorous. The IELTS course puts equal weight on reading writing, listening, speaking and test taking strategies. The course also covers sub skills such as academic vocabulary, academic style and study skills each day.

Course Prerequisites                       All prospective students must take the Tam wood placement test,

either onsite, via the agent or online. If the student places at Level 4 they are eligible for IELTS. Existing students can transfer from Level 4 or the end of Level 3.

Textbooks Required for this Course

All text books and resources:

Core text: Focus on IELTS by Sue O’Connell Supplementary texts:

IELTS Practice Test Plus 2 IELTS Test Builder 2 IELTS Masterclass

IELTS Common Mistakes

Course Duration                             4 weeks

Contact time: Monday-Friday 9-12, 1-3:00 As per the students availability

Student Progress/Assessment Methods

The course will include a practice exam every Friday so students and instructors are able to monitor student progress. Students are able to receive instant feedback and it allows them to make decisions on which areas to improve.

Attendance Expectations                80%

Learning Objectives/Outcomes      By the end of this course, students should be able to:

-recognize their true level in speaking, reading, listening and writing

-recognize and overcome challenges presented in the IELTS

-write different academic essay types

-evaluate and self correct their speaking

-be prepared for the mechanics of the IELTS examination (time, order, format)

-skim, scan and focus on target material in academic reading passages

-interpret and describe statistical data using appropriate language and grammar

-demonstrate enhanced vocabulary in writing and speaking

-formulate, express and defend opinions using appropriate vocabulary

-demonstrate improved listening skills for comprehension and details

Course details


Week Topic
1 Reading: The Walking School bus Writing: Interpreting Data Speaking: Speaking about interests Listening: Question Types

Subskills: comparing and contrasting; academic style; academic vocabulary, Friday test IELTS 7 Test 1

2 Reading: Location is Everything Writing: Paraphrasing

Speaking: Speaking about problems; describing places Listening: p. 22-23

Subskills: Reflective learning Friday test IELTS 7 Test 2

3 Reading: Review

Writing: Charts and graphs

Speaking: Giving opinions; stereotypes Listening: p. 45

Sub skills: Academic style, critical thinking Friday test IELTS 7 Test 3

4 Reading: Hurry sickness; opinion vs. fact Writing: Structuring an argument

Speaking: Describing people; leisurely activities Listening: p. 60-62

Sub skills: Academic style; academic vocabulary; self-evaluation Friday test IELTS 7 Test 4

5 Reading: Retail Therapies Writing:

Speaking: Likes, dislikes, consumerism; describing objects; cultural attractions Listening: p. 79-60

Subskills: Academic Style; academic Vocabulary; business and economics vocabulary

Friday test IELTS 8 Test 1

6 Reading: Earth’s Resources

Writing: Tables and graphs; justifying an opinion Speaking: Describing an event

Listening: Review of question types

Sub skills: Academic vocabulary; academic style, critical thinking Friday test IELTS 8 Test 2

7 Reading: Sleep p, 109-113 Writing: Describing a process


Listening: p. 100-101

Speaking: Describing stages; natural events

Subskills: Reflective learning; word families; brain power Friday test IELTS 8 Test 3

8 Reading: Communication devices p. 129-133 Writing: Presenting an opinion; interpreting data Listening: p. 120-121

Speaking: Speaking about the past: school days, teachers and students Subskills: Academic style; academic vocabulary; critical thinking Friday test IELTS 8 Test 4

9 Reading: Supplementary article

Writing: Beginning and end; interpreting data Listening: p. 140-142

Speaking: Communication problems; describing in detail

Subskills: Academic style, academic vocabulary, dealing with errors Friday test IELTS 9 TEST 1

10 Reading: Out of this world; Space p. 150-155 Writing: Explaining ‘how’

Listening: p, 160-162

Speaking: Speaking about the future: predictions, the Final Frontier Subskills:Academic style; academic vocabulary

Friday test IELTS 9 TEST 2

11 Reading: Gridlock p. 169-72; Stereotypes p. 165 Writing: Summarizing

Listening: Authentic listening

Speaking: Speaking about goals; 4 wheels

Subskills: Academic style; academic vocabulary; critical Thinking Friday test IELTS 9 TEST 3

12 Reading: Face the Facts p. 189-92

Writing: Presenting Solutions; data; describing

Listening: Students projects; end of oil; photography and cinema Speaking: Clothing; tourism; time off; facial expressions

Subskills: Time management; academic vocabulary; vocabulary Builder Friday test IELTS 9 TEST 4


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