Confined Space Entry

Course level:All Levels
Categories H.S.E
Course Duration: 6h




Basic Course One Day or 6 Hours
Intermediate Two Days or 12 Hours
Expert Level Three Days or 18 Hours.

Training with International Certifications, Available for the Groups and for the companies also with the discounted Fees on English and Arabic Language courses, In-house or live and virtual Trainings.


Course Out line

  1. Defining confined spaces
  2. Permit & Non-Permit required Confined spaces
  3. Limited openings for entry/exit
  4. Hazards of confined spaces
  5. Testing and Flammable/explosive atmosphere
  6. Hydrogen Sulfide H2S properties/Methane/Oxygen/Carbon Monoxide
  7. Temperature extremes
  8. Engulfment hazards
  9. Ventilation
  10. Isolation
  11. Individuals involved in PRCS
  12. Roles and Responsibilities

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